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260 Market Street Suite B
New Albany, OH, 43054
United States


Since 2007, Hayley Gallery has represented the work of over 60 emerging & established local Ohio artists. Exhibits change monthly with mediums including paintings, mixed media, sculpture, wood, glass, metal, ceramic, fiber, jewelry, Judaica & accessories.

Artist Opening Reception for Brenden Spivey - Joy and Energy in Abstraction


Hayley Gallery brings a new and exciting exhibit to the gallery on a monthly basis featuring a wide range of artists and mediums.  Artist opening receptions are FREE to attend (ages 12 and up please). RSVPs although not required are always encouraged. Call the gallery at 614-855-4856 to reserve your spot at any of our upcoming receptions.

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Artist Opening Reception for Brenden Spivey - Joy and Energy in Abstraction

  • Hayley Gallery 260 Market Street, Suite B New Albany United States (map)

Brenden grew up in Newark, Ohio, just east of Columbus. His fascination with technology and fashion led him to a career in IT for a fashion company. He always knew that there was more to him in the creative space but was unsure in what capacity it would manifest itself.

“Being surrounded by beautiful things and having an appreciation for them is something that always inspired me whether it be a pair of shoes, a shirt, photography. There was always something about how it made me feel when I looked at it.”

“Working full time in IT has many demands and finding a hobby was something that I struggled with for relaxation. Columbus has a dynamic art scene and I’ve been lucky enough to visit numerous galleries and get to know several artist and collectors. The more time I spent around beautiful art work created by local self-taught or ‘outsider’ artists, the more inspired I became to create my own work.”


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