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260 Market Street Suite B
New Albany, OH, 43054
United States


Since 2007, Hayley Gallery has represented the work of over 60 emerging & established local Ohio artists. Exhibits change monthly with mediums including paintings, mixed media, sculpture, wood, glass, metal, ceramic, fiber, jewelry, Judaica & accessories.

Natalie Steigmann-Gall - Significant Gestures


Hayley Gallery brings a new and exciting exhibit to the gallery on a monthly basis featuring a wide range of artists and mediums.  Artist opening receptions are FREE to attend (ages 12 and up please). RSVPs although not required are always encouraged. Call the gallery at 614-855-4856 to reserve your spot at any of our upcoming receptions.

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Natalie Steigmann-Gall - Significant Gestures

  • Hayley Gallery 260 Market Street New Albany, OH, 43054 United States (map)


This ongoing series of recent work is inspired by social theories that have captured my interest, particularly the work from the symbolic interactionist school of thought, which focuses on everyday interactions and social situations. I ask questions about the impact of public vs private space on our relationships with one another, the tensions associated with different kinds of group dynamics, and the way we present ourselves in our everyday life. Materially, the work is informed by social research itself; I pull techniques from different kinds of art-making practices, namely painting, drawing and sculpture, just as I gather social data through multiple methodologies. In the same way that we construct our social worlds, I physically build off of these works, sculpting onto them with cardboard, foam and canvas. Some areas are rendered in great detail, others are more gestural, and some fall away entirely. In attempting to make cohesive, impactful pieces from a wide variety of materials and applications, I hope to illustrate the disparate elements from which we assemble our complex lives.

